require 'lib/grammar'
require 'lib/mapper_generator'

module Mapper

  # Mapper class employing the depth-first node expansion strategy:
  #   1. Create the list L of the all unresolved nodes (nonterminal symbols ready for the expansion).
  #   2. Select only the nodes with the maximal depth from the list L and name it M.
  #   3. Select the first node N (and the corresponding nonterminal symbol S) of the list M.
  #   4. Take the codon of the genome and use it for selection of rule Alternative Mapper::RuleAlt of grammar[S]
  #   5. Expand the symbol S.
  #   6. Repeat from the step 1 until the termination condition (see Mapper::Base) is met.
  # See 
  class DepthFirst < Generator
    include LocusFirst
    include ExtendAll #behavior same as ExtendDepth, but simpler
    include ConstantsNoSupport

  # Mapper class employing the breath-first node expansion strategy:
  #   1. Create the list L of the all unresolved nodes (nonterminal symbols ready for the expansion).
  #   2. Select only the nodes with the minimal depth from the list L and name it M.
  #   3. Select the first node N (and the corresponding nonterminal symbol S) of the list M.
  #   4. Take the codon of the genome and use it for selection of rule Alternative Mapper::RuleAlt of grammar[S]
  #   5. Expand the symbol S.
  #   6. Repeat from the step 1 until the termination condition (see Mapper::Base) is met.
  class BreadthFirst < Generator
    include LocusFirst
    include ExtendBreadth
    include ConstantsNoSupport   


  # Mapper class employing the depth-locus node expansion strategy:
  #   1. Create the list L of the all unresolved nodes (nonterminal symbols ready for the expansion).
  #   2. Select only the nodes with the maximal depth from the list L and name it M.
  #   3. Take the locus codon and use it as the index i on the list M.
  #   4. Select the node N=M[i] from the list M (and the corresponding nonterminal symbol S).
  #   5. Take the subsequent (allele) codon of the genome and use it for selection of rule Alternative Mapper::RuleAlt of grammar[S]
  #   6. Expand the symbol S. 
  #   7. Repeat from the step 1 until the termination condition (see Mapper::Base) is met.
  # See 
  class DepthLocus < Generator
    include LocusGenetic
    include ExtendDepth
    include ConstantsNoSupport   

  # Mapper class employing the depth-locus node expansion strategy with an embedded constants support.
  # Embedded constants simplify derivation trees during genotype-phenotype mapping phase. They may help to reduce a search space.
  # Constants' values are stored directly inside a genotype in one or more codons. Encoding parameters are specified in the configuration of 
  # DepthLocusEmbConsts mapper under the "embedded_constants" section. Constants identifiers have to _exactly_ match literals (placeholders) 
  # used in the grammar. 
  # Ranges of constants have to be specified in the configuration, a number of codons used for encoding is optional (default is 1).
  # The type of the constant (Float or Integer) is inferred from types of range limits.
  # Example configuration:
  #   mapper:
  #     class: DepthLocusEmbConsts
  #     embedded_constants:
  #       const1:
  #         min: -2.0
  #         max: 2.0
  #       C2:
  #         codons: 2
  #         min: 0
  #         max: 80000
  # For instance, given the configuration above, each occurence of the terminal symbol "C2" is replaced by the random integer constant during
  # the phenotype initialization.
  # For details see:
  # The expansion strategy is described in Mapper::DepthLocus.
  class DepthLocusEmbConsts < Generator
    include LocusGenetic
    include ExtendAll #behavior same as ExtendDepth, but simpler
    include ConstantsInGenotype
  # Mapper class employing the breadth-locus node expansion strategy:
  #   1. Create the list L of the all unresolved nodes (nonterminal symbols ready for the expansion).
  #   2. Select only the nodes with the minimal depth from the list L and name it M.
  #   3. Take the locus codon and use it as the index i on the list M.
  #   4. Select the node N=M[i] from the list M (and the corresponding nonterminal symbol S).
  #   5. Take the subsequent (allele) codon of the genome and use it for selection of rule Alternative Mapper::RuleAlt of grammar[S]
  #   6. Expand the symbol S.   
  #   7. Repeat from the step 1 until the termination condition (see Mapper::Base) is met.
  # See 
  class BreadthLocus < Generator
    include LocusGenetic
    include ExtendBreadth
    include ConstantsNoSupport   

  # Mapper class employing the all-locus node expansion strategy:
  #   1. Create the list L of the all unresolved nodes (nonterminal symbols ready for the expansion).
  #   2. Take the locus codon and use it as the index i on the list L.
  #   3. Select the node N=L[i] from the list L (and the corresponding nonterminal symbol S).
  #   4. Take the subsequent (allele) codon of the genome and use it for selection of rule Alternative Mapper::RuleAlt of grammar[S]
  #   5. Expand the symbol S.   
  #   6. Repeat from the step 1 until the termination condition (see Mapper::Base) is met.
  class AllLocus < Generator
    include LocusGenetic
    include ExtendAll
    include ConstantsNoSupport   
end # Mapper